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Spanish Works 1998-2008 - Presentation


This new book of Spanish Works is added to the list of books already published by the Spanish Association of Structural Concrete (ACHE) and by ATEP before, with a view to showing how concrete and by extension, structural engineering, is used in Spain.

The more than 140 works included in this book have been selected from a group of excellent works and are the most representative of the 1998-2008 decade, and include bridges and building structures, as well as some works relating to the refurbishment of existing structures.

The works included show the extraordinary development experienced by Spanish structural engineering in recent years. We wish to spread and share our experience with our colleagues around the world which is why we have provided a bilingual Spanish-English publication.

Finally as with previous books, we hope that this edition allows professionals engaged in structural engineering, and especially young people joining the profession, to decisively continue advancing in structural engineering, and serves as a stimulus to overcome the challenges of future structures.

Copyright © 2018 Asociación Española de Ingeniería Estructural

E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos · Laboratorio de Estructuras · Avda. Profesor Aranguren s/n · Ciudad Universitaria · 28040 Madrid
Tlf: 91 067 41 64 ·